Saving (for) the Planet

the climate power of personal banking

Why is it important?

Around the world, we are becoming increasingly adept at applying a climate lens to how we spend our money.

What our research shows is that applying this same climate lens to where we deposit our money can be as impactful as how we spend it.

This impact is rooted in the power of responsible banking as a systemic climate solution—a solution that can not only reduce emissions at scale but also help shift trillions of dollars away from the industries fueling the climate crisis and toward those creating a more just, sustainable world.

Saving (for) the Planet is a new, comprehensive guide we developed with Project Drawdown that will help you assess and reduce the climate impact of your personal banking.

Its eye-opening analyses and actionable advice will help you ensure that your dollars help build the future you want for yourself, your community, and our planet: renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, green buildings, public transportation, healthy ecosystems, flourishing communities, and other climate-friendly enterprises.